
About MIS


I dedicate my life to that constant search for beauty, which is found even behind the ugliest corners of the world.

Defied by social anxiety, at times, life has been difficult for me. Certain diseases and disorders lead to insecurity of one’s self. But life has shown me its beauty and I have come to appreciate it in my own way.

My projects speak of our fears, difficulties and/or illnesses. I turn those challenges into something beautiful and fascinating so that we can see that there is always a positive side to every situation.

I specialize in portraits, nudes and flowers; everything that shows every being as they are, under an artistic perspective. My works give a mysterious and simple feeling, with a beautiful soft touch of light that shows the details of textures, makes it feel delicate, and gives the observer the desire to touch.

In my artistic creations, the balance between light and shadow together with the beauty of nature or the human being enters in total harmony, almost like poetry without words.



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